what is a child groomer

what is a child groomer

1 year ago 44

Child grooming is a deliberate process by which offenders gradually initiate and maintain sexual relationships with victims in secrecy. It involves building a trusting relationship with a child or family to prepare them for sexual abuse. Grooming can occur in various settings, including online and in person.

To establish a good relationship with a child and their family, child groomers might do several things, including:

  • Befriending the child and their family to gain their trust, with the goal of easy access to the child.
  • Looking for opportunities to have time alone with the child, which can be done by offering to babysit or inviting the child for sleepovers.
  • Giving gifts or money to the child in exchange for sexual contact, or for no apparent reason.
  • Showing pornography to the child or talking about sexual topics with the child, hoping to make it easy for the child to accept such acts, thus normalizing the behavior.
  • Engaging in hugging, kissing, or other physical contact, even when the child does not want it.

Signs that characterize child groomers include a person who takes an unusual interest in a child, particularly if the interest is primarily focused on their physical appearance, behavior, or activities. They may also try to communicate with a child online or in person in secret, outside the knowledge of the childs parents or guardians. Its important to remember that children and young people may not understand theyve been groomed, and many of the signs of grooming can look like normal adult-child relationships. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s important to trust your instincts, watch for signs, and keep an eye on your child’s behavior.

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