what is a code of practice

what is a code of practice

1 year ago 35

A code of practice is a written document that provides detailed practical guidance on how to comply with legal obligations and occupational health and safety rules and regulations. It can be issued by a professional association, government, or organization, and it lays out ethical standards for a profession, trade, occupation, or union. Key points to note about codes of practice include:

  • They do not replace occupational health and safety laws and regulations, but rather complement them by providing practical guidance on how to comply with legal obligations.
  • They are generally issued in accordance with occupational health and safety legislation and regulations.
  • They are not usually mandatory, and compliance with codes of practice is not required as long as any alternative systems used provide a standard of health and safety equal to or better than those recommended by the code of practice.
  • They may be admissible in court proceedings, and a court may use a code of practice to establish what is reasonably practicable action to manage a specific risk.
  • Organizational codes of practice do not have the same authority under law, but serve a similar purpose. Member organizations generally undertake to comply with the codes of practice as a condition of membership and may lose membership if found to be in violation of the code.

In summary, a code of practice is a set of written guidelines that provide practical guidance on how to comply with legal obligations and occupational health and safety rules and regulations. They are not mandatory, but they can be used in court proceedings and serve as a standard for ethical behavior in a profession, trade, occupation, or union.

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