A Certificate of Insurance (COI) is a document issued by an insurance company or broker that verifies the existence of an insurance policy and summarizes its key features. It is a non-negotiable document that provides proof of insurance coverage and is used in situations where liability and significant losses are of concern and require a COI, which is in most business contexts. Here are some key points to keep in mind about COIs:
- A COI is issued by an insurance company or broker and verifies the existence of an insurance policy.
- Small business owners and contractors typically require a COI that grants protection against liability for workplace accidents or injuries to conduct business.
- A COI provides a summary of your business coverage, including policy expiration date, individuals covered, and dollar amount of coverage.
- Not all insurance policies come with a COI; they’re most common with some kinds of business insurance as well as with auto insurance.
- If you receive a COI from a business, check the policy coverage dates and the limits of the policy.
- You should ask for and receive a COI before anyone works on your home or property.
- A COI is used by professionals such as contractors, project managers, and vendors to provide proof of insurance to clients and others with whom they do business.
- If you are a car or business owner and need a COI, you can obtain one from your insurance company or agent.
- A COI is proof of an active, valid insurance policy and serves as verification that your business is indeed insured.
In summary, a COI is a document that provides proof of insurance coverage and is used in situations where liability and significant losses are of concern. Small business owners and contractors typically require a COI that grants protection against liability for workplace accidents or injuries to conduct business.