A Cold IPA is a type of India Pale Ale that is brewed with lager yeasts at colder temperatures, creating a crisp, drinkable yet generously hopped beer. The use of lager yeast provides a cleaner aroma profile compared to more ester-driven aromas that arise from traditional ale yeasts. The colder fermentation also creates a lighter backbone that helps accentuate the bright, tropical hops that are used for a beer like a Cold IPA. Some key features of a Cold IPA include:
- A malt bill that consists largely of Pils, 2-Row, or 6-Row base malt with flaked rice and/or corn as 20-40% of the grist.
- Fermentation with lager yeast at ale temperatures (around 65F).
- Dry-hopping during fermentation.
Cold IPAs are known for their heavy hop flavors like grapefruit peel, pine, and tropical fruit flavors. They are also dry and crisp, with a clean finish. Cold IPAs are a great beer for backyard BBQs and work well with spicy foods.