A condenser tumble dryer is a type of dryer that collects moisture from wet clothes in a container, also known as a reservoir, located within the dryer itself. This tank collects the water, and when its full, you simply have to empty it. Unlike vented tumble dryers, which require a long, flexible hose to connect to the tumble dryer and vent the water to the outside of your home, condenser tumble dryers do not need an external vent. Instead, they use high temperatures to dry clothes, reaching a maximum temperature of 70-75°C. The hot air is moved to a condensing chamber where it is condensed into water, which is then collected and stored in a container under the machine. Some models pump the water out of the washer using the machine plumbing when needed, but this is dependent on the model you are buying.
The main benefit of a condenser tumble dryer is that it can be installed anywhere and doesn’t need to be placed by an external wall or window. This is hugely beneficial if you need a tumble dryer but have little choice in where you place the machine. For example, if you require a dryer but only have space in a room without windows, or you’re renting a home and don’t have permission to make a hole in an external wall, a condenser tumble dryer is the perfect option for you.
In summary, a condenser tumble dryer is a type of dryer that collects moisture from wet clothes in a container located within the dryer itself. It does not require an external vent and can be installed anywhere, making it a great option for those with limited space or restrictions on where they can place the machine.