A corequisite course is a course or other requirement that a student must take at the same time as another course or requirement. It is different from a prerequisite, which is a course or a test that must be successfully completed prior to registering for the listed course. Corequisite courses are designed to be taken together in the same semester, and students are supported in their college-level, credit-bearing course by varying approaches such as just-in-time remediation, skills review, or coordinated curriculum. The goal of corequisite courses is to support students on the tasks of the college-level course, such as breaking down challenging readings, practicing how to paraphrase and cite sources, or reviewing foundational math skills needed for a given type of mathematical analysis. Students must enroll in co-requisite subjects at the same time, and they cannot enroll in one without the other. Corequisite courses do not replicate remedial courses in their entirety, and the extra support provided to students is intended to help them be successful in the college-level course.