what is a cream pie urban dictionary

what is a cream pie urban dictionary

1 year ago 44

According to the search results, a "cream pie" in the Urban Dictionary has multiple meanings, some of which are sexual in nature. Here are the definitions found:

  • Creampie: The act of unprotected/uncovered penile ejaculation and insemination inside the vagina.
  • The cream pie: Often referred to as "traditional sex" whereby the man ejaculates inside the vagina.
  • Cream-pie: A pie made of a thin crust and filled to the brim with whipped cream. Also used to refer to ejaculating inside a person during sex.
  • Creme pie: When a man ejaculates a huge load all over a womans face.
  • Cremepie: A close-up of spunk in an orifice, dripping out.

It is important to note that these definitions are not appropriate for all audiences and may be considered vulgar or offensive.

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