what is a crunchy mom

what is a crunchy mom

1 year ago 39

A crunchy mom is a mother who embraces a natural parenting style and lifestyle in general. They question the conventional norm of what is considered safe and healthy and make informed choices by looking at a more natural way of life. They are environmentally, health, and socially conscious and care deeply about giving their children the best life possible. Some characteristics of a crunchy mom include:

  • Natural Parenting: This includes practices such as home births, cloth diapering, and breastfeeding exclusively.

  • Organic and Homemade: Crunchy moms often prepare their own organic baby food and make homemade products such as cleaning supplies.

  • Anti-Vaccination: Some crunchy moms are against vaccinations.

  • Environmentally Conscious: Crunchy moms often strive to reduce waste and use eco-friendly products.

  • Alternative Medicine: They may use essential oils and other natural remedies to treat ailments.

The term "crunchy" supposedly comes from the fact that these women are called "granola," which is slang for "hippie," and granola is crunchy. The opposite of a crunchy mom is a "silky mom," who buys sugary snacks, embraces screen time as a parenting tool, and eschews essential oils as a first line of medical treatment. There is also a middle ground, known as the "scrunchie mom," who offers balance and takes what they like from each parenting style.

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