A cult leader is a person who leads a relatively small group, typically characterized by a culture of its own, which is often led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader who excessively controls its members, requiring unwavering obedience. They are often highly charismatic and persuasive, with a magnetic personality that can attract and influence followers. Cult leaders believe they are special and are on a special mission to lead humanity to the light. They have fantasies of unlimited success and power, and they are constantly seeking the admiration of others and enjoy being the center of attention. They often have a strong need for control and may exhibit authoritarian behaviors, such as dictating the beliefs and actions of their followers.
Cult leaders infuse their followers with inspiration and hope for a better future, and they are visionaries who want to take their followers to a better place where they can be blissful and better off than non-followers. They often demand obedience and require their followers to relinquish control to them.
It is worth noting that not all leaders of new religious movements or alternative spiritual groups are necessarily cult leaders, and a cult leader is not necessarily required for a group to qualify as a cult.