what is a cutaway shot

what is a cutaway shot

1 year ago 34

A cutaway shot is a type of shot in film and television that "cuts away" from the main action to any shot that adds visual information, and then returns to the original shot with new meaning. Cutaways can occur anywhere in relation to the scene and have no strict geographical requirement. They are supplementary shots that can be used to build context, subtext, and to give the editor some room to work. Cutaway shots can be used for nearly anything, such as to build tension in a scene, control time and space, or help the audience get inside a characters head. They can also be used to show essential elements of the story instead of telling them to the audience through exposition. Cutaways can manipulate tension, convey humor, or cast doubt or ambiguity on a scene, among other things. They are often used to maintain continuity in a scene. Cutaway shots are one of the most commonly used shots in cinema and can be an incredible tool to guide the audience and make the film more visually arresting.

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