what is a cymbal

what is a cymbal

1 year ago 35

A cymbal is a percussion instrument made from metal alloys that creates a sound when hit by a drumstick or crashes against another cymbal. They are often used in pairs and consist of thin, normally round plates of various alloys. Cymbals are used in many ensembles ranging from the orchestra, percussion ensembles, jazz bands, heavy metal bands, and marching groups.

There are different types of cymbals, such as crash, hi-hat, ride, splash, and china cymbal, and each brings a unique sound. Crash cymbals are used to create a loud, explosive sound, while hi-hat cymbals are used to maintain a steady rhythmic pattern known as the "ride pattern". Splash cymbals are the smallest cymbals in the kit with a loud, sharp, short-lived sound, and they help drummers to add accents to their riffs and solos. China cymbals are a distinct type of crash cymbals with an explosive and low-pitched sound, and they are usually mounted upside down on cymbal stands.

The sound of cymbals can be characterized as either dark or bright, depending on the type of cymbal. Bright cymbals have a higher pitch and clearer sound than dark cymbals, and they are primarily used in rock and pop music. Dark cymbals have a deep sound with a low pitch, and they are commonly heard in jazz music.

Cymbals have been used since ancient times, and they play a significant role in every drum set nowadays. The word "cymbal" is derived from the Latin cymbalum, which is the latinisation of the Greek word κύμβαλον kymbalon, "cymbal", which in turn derives from κύμβη kymbē, "cup, bowl".

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