what is a deis school

what is a deis school

1 year ago 34

DEIS stands for Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools, which is a national program in Ireland that aims to address educational disadvantage. It is a more integrated approach to the issue of educational inclusion that provides a standardized system for identifying and regularly reviewing levels of disadvantage and a new integrated School Support Programme (SSP) to bring together and build upon the previous schemes and programs. DEIS schools are schools that get extra funding because a certain number of students in the area might come from a “disadvantaged” background. There are currently 884 DEIS schools in Ireland, which is about 20% of all schools in the country. DEIS schools benefit from resources such as literacy and numeracy support, school meals program, school books grant scheme, Professional Development Services for Teachers (PDST) support, HSCL, Schools Completion Programme (SCP), Junior Certificate Schools Programme (JCSP), and Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) . The DEIS program has been delivering results, and studies show that while students in DEIS schools had lower average scores in reading, math, and science compared with non-DEIS schools in 2018, the gap has narrowed in key areas such as reading.

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