A diamond birthday is a birthday where the last two digits of someones birth year match their age. For example, if someone was born in 1993, their diamond birthday would be their 93rd birthday. People often use #diamondbirthday or #diamond #birthday to share what they’re doing for their diamond birthday on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.
A platinum birthday, on the other hand, is when the age of someones birth year matches the last two digits of the year they were born. For example, someone born in 2013 would have their platinum birthday in the year they turned 13, in 2026.
A golden birthday happens when someone turns the same age as their birth date. For example, if someone was born on November 16, their golden birthday would be their 16th birthday.
It is important to note that a diamond birthday is different from a diamond jubilee, which is the celebration of a 60th or occasionally 75th anniversary.
While there is no special significance associated with a diamond birthday, it is traditionally celebrated as a milestone. A diamond birthday is when a person turns 60 years old, and it is so named because the diamond is the traditional gift for the 60th birthday. A 60th birthday celebration can include anything from a small family gathering to a huge party with a large group of friends.