what is a discord id

what is a discord id

1 year ago 34

A Discord ID is a unique 18-digit number that is tied to your account, every message you send, and every server that you join. It is different from your Discord username and is used to identify individual users, messages, Discord servers, and channels. Discord IDs are publicly available and can be used for various purposes, such as specifying which users are allowed to use a Discord bot or which servers its allowed to work on.

To find your Discord ID, you need to enable Developer Mode in your Discord settings. Here are the steps to find your Discord ID:

  1. Click the gear icon in the bottom-left corner (next to your name), then select Advanced from the left sidebar.
  2. At the top of the page that appears, toggle on Developer Mode.
  3. Once its enabled, finding Discord IDs is simple:
    • To find a users Discord ID (including your own), right-click their profile picture and select Copy ID.
    • To find a messages ID, right-click it and select Copy ID.
    • To find a servers ID, right-click its icon in the left sidebar and select Copy ID.
    • To find a channels ID, right-click the channel and select Copy ID.

You can also find your Discord ID on mobile by following similar steps. It is important to note that Discord IDs cannot be used for much and are mainly used by the Discord app itself to tell users, messages, and servers apart from each other.

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