what is a douche

what is a douche

1 year ago 108

A douche is a device used to introduce a stream of water or other fluids into the body for medical or hygienic reasons, or the stream of water itself. Douching is the practice of washing or cleaning out the inside of the vagina with water or other mixtures of fluids. Vaginal douching involves filling a bottle or bag with water and squirting this upward into the vagina. Women sometimes choose to mix the water with other fluids, such as vinegar, or to buy douching products that may contain ingredients, such as baking soda, iodine, antiseptics, or fragrance. Women state that they use a douche for the following reasons:

  • to get rid of unpleasant odors in the vagina
  • to prevent pregnancy
  • to wash away bodily fluids, such as menstrual blood or semen

However, doctors recommend that women do not douche, as it can lead to many health problems, including problems getting pregnant, vaginal infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) . Douching regularly can increase a woman’s chances of developing a vaginal infection, and using a douche when an infection is already present is also more likely to make it worse. It is important to note that the vagina naturally flushes out and cleans itself, and douching is not necessary for good hygiene.

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