In Dungeons & Dragons, a drow is a subrace of elves that are dark-skinned and white-haired, and are connected to the subterranean Underdark. They are traditionally portrayed as generally evil and connected to the evil goddess Lolth, but later editions of Dungeons & Dragons have moved away from this portrayal and preassigned alignment. Recent publications have explored drow societies unconnected to Lolth. Drow cities reside in the underdark, formed from strict hierarchies dedicated to their own ego and keeping the blood flowing for their patron Lolth. Drow are proficient with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows, and have natural magic ability. They are known for their high wisdom and intelligence stats despite their evil tendencies. Drow are a matriarchal society, and powerful women in their communities are often the leaders. Matron Mothers head these, pulling the strings and piling up bodies as they do. Drow are playable characters in D&D, and they come with their own weapons training and proficiency with certain weapons. They also have access to certain spells, such as Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, and Darkness.