what is a duathlon

what is a duathlon

1 year ago 35

A duathlon is a multisport event that combines running and cycling in three stages, known as run-bike-run. It is similar to triathlon, but without the swim. The International Triathlon Union governs the sport internationally. Duathlons are conducted at sprint, standard, middle, and long distances, with individual races varying. The following distances are considered typical for the sport:

  • Super Sprint: 2.5 km run, 10 km bike, 2.5 km run
  • Sprint: 5 km run, 20 km bike, 5 km run
  • Standard: 10 km run, 40 km bike, 5 km run
  • Middle: 10 km run, 60 km bike, 10 km run
  • Long: 10 km run, 150 km bike, 30 km run

Off-road duathlons are also available, where the terrain for the cycling and running stages is generally unpaved, rough, and very steep and hilly. Duathlon is a great option for those looking to move into multisport racing but may not be comfortable with an open water swim or for triathletes who cannot get in the open water over winter.

Training for a duathlon requires a consistent and methodical approach to both running and cycling. Incorporating specialized exercises into a duathlon regimen can assist in acquiring the aptitude and fitness essential for success in this arduous multisport event. It is important to prioritize rest days for recovery.

One of the bonuses of duathlon is that you don’t need as much kit as you do for triathlon events as there’s no call for a wetsuit. When it comes to duathlon clothing, some people will argue that cycling shorts and a bib are fine, whilst others will suggest this is like. It is important to wear comfortable clothing and shoes for both running and cycling.

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