what is a flatbed microwave

what is a flatbed microwave

1 year ago 40

A flatbed microwave is a type of microwave oven that works similarly to conventional microwaves, but with a different technology that evenly distributes heat without the need for a turntable. Traditional microwaves have a turntable in the base and expel heat from the side, while flatbed microwaves operate from the bottom via a rotating antenna that sends heat out at many different angles. This method of heating cooks your food more evenly. The microwaves still bounce around the cavity but at slightly different angles to the turntable microwave. Flatbed microwaves allow you to use larger rectangle dishes that would bang the wall on a turntable, and cleaning is easier due to flat surfaces. However, cooking time in a flatbed microwave may vary with that of a turntable microwave, so adjustments to cooking time will need to be considered.

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