Fluoroscopy is a medical imaging procedure that uses X-rays to create a real-time video of the movements inside a part of the body over a period of time. It is used to look at many body systems, including the skeletal, digestive, urinary, cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Fluoroscopy can be used for both diagnostic purposes and to help guide certain treatment procedures, such as surgeries and catheter placements. Some common uses of fluoroscopy include:
Barium X-rays: Fluoroscopy allows healthcare providers to see any abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract while watching the movement of the barium that is given through the mouth or rectum.
Cardiac catheterization: Fluoroscopy is used to help healthcare providers see the flow of blood through the coronary arteries, diagnose heart problems, and possibly treat them.
Electrophysiologic procedures: Fluoroscopy is used to treat people with heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) .
Arthrography: This imaging test uses X-rays to see a joint or joints.
Placement of IV (intravenous) or arterial catheters: Fluoroscopy assists healthcare providers in guiding the catheter into a specific location inside the body.
Fluoroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that helps reduce the invasiveness of surgery, as it allows physicians to see the form and function of a certain body part without having to surgically open a patient. Fluoroscopy is a common imaging procedure that healthcare providers use for diagnostic purposes and visual guidance during certain procedures.