what is a funicular

what is a funicular

1 year ago 34

A funicular is a type of cable railway system that connects points along a railway track laid on a steep slope. It is characterized by two counterbalanced carriages permanently attached to opposite ends of a haulage cable, which is looped. The propulsion is provided by an electric motor in the engine room, typically at the upper end of the track, which is linked via a speed-reducing gearbox to a large pulley, a drive bullwheel, which then controls the movement of the haul rope using friction. The movement is controlled by a brakeman using the brake handle of the rack and pinion system engaged with the rack mounted between the rails.

Some interesting facts about funiculars include:

  • The term "funicular" comes from the Latin word "funiculus," which translates to "rope".
  • The oldest known funicular is in Hohensalzburg Castle, and it has been in operation since the early 1500s.
  • Funiculars use two cars at the same time, one on each side of the top pulley. At any one time, one car is balancing the weight of the other.
  • Building a funicular is quite a feat because a track has to be laid either on steep mountain or on a trestle that rises from the side of the mountain.

Funiculars are used to transport people up extremely steep slopes, and they have been used for this purpose since the 15th century. They are also used for underground travel, such as into caves or mines.

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