what is a godmother

what is a godmother

1 year ago 51

A godmother is a female godparent in the Christian tradition who is present at the christening of a child and promises to see that the child is raised to be a Christian. She may also offer mentorship and/or claim legal guardianship of the child as her own if needed due to circumstances. In some countries, the role of a godparent carried some legal obligations, such as being responsible for the childs education and welfare if the parents were unable to do so.

Godparents are also noted features of fairy tales and folklore written from the 17th century onwards, and by extension, have found their way into many modern works of fiction. In some Chinese communities, the custom of matching a child with a relative or family friend who becomes the godmother or godfather is practiced, largely non-religious in nature, but commonly done to strengthen ties or to fulfill the wish of a childless adult to have a child.

Traditionally, a godparent is a sponsor chosen when someone, often a baby, receives the sacrament of Baptism, a rite of admission into Christianity. The godparent is a member of the church community who supports the faith of the person being baptized and should be someone who can help the newly baptized person understand and live out these responsibilities. Depending on the type of church, the precise godparent definition can vary.

Whereas traditionally godparents might also have acted as will executors and/or guardians for their godchildren in the event of parental death, these days there are no such expectations. A modern godparent is expected to pray for their godchild, be a spiritual role model in the Christian faith (or at least feel comfortable supporting their godchild’s growing faith), and share hobbies, interests, and skills with them.

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