what is a grammy consideration

what is a grammy consideration

1 year ago 36

The Grammy Awards is the music industrys highest honor and is awarded by the Recording Academy, which is made up of thousands of members from the music industry, including performers and engineers. For Your Consideration (FYC) marketing is a common practice for showcasing an artists eligible work to be considered for a Grammy nomination. To be submitted for Grammy consideration, a recording must be entered by members of the Recording Academy who are either Professional or Voting members, and media companies like record labels and distribution companies can also register as members of the Academy and submit recordings for consideration.

Being "up for consideration" for a Grammy nomination means that somebody put the recording into the running, and it might make the final top five final nominations. However, it does not mean that the recording is nominated for a Grammy Award. The nomination is pretty much all that counts, and if a recording gets nominated, the artist will be a Grammy-nominated artist forever.

The Recording Academy has specific rules and guidelines for Grammy submissions, including eligibility requirements and what cannot be included in a For Your Consideration ad. The Academy also releases updated rules and guidelines each year to ensure that its actions are fair and transparent and that all details surrounding the awards process are easily accessible to the music community at large.

In summary, a Grammy consideration means that a recording is being considered for a Grammy nomination, but it does not guarantee a nomination. To be eligible for a Grammy nomination, a recording must be entered by members of the Recording Academy who are either Professional or Voting members, and media companies like record labels and distribution companies can also register as members of the Academy and submit recordings for consideration. The Recording Academy has specific rules and guidelines for Grammy submissions, and FYC marketing is a common practice for showcasing an artists eligible work to be considered for a Grammy nomination.

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