what is a gwar concert

what is a gwar concert

1 year ago 41

A GWAR concert is a unique experience that involves heavy metal music, revolting costumes, offensive sketches, and gory prosthetics, all involving a liberal use of projectile fake blood. The band is known for its fully developed mythos of vile characters and gut-wrenching stories of megadeth genocide and all-out war. The concert is usually hot, crowded, and the pit is pretty insane. The audience is often sprayed with fake blood and other questionable fluids, which will be refreshing as it is made of water, food coloring, and carrageenan. The band members are about seven or eight feet tall in their full costumes, and the amount of blood sprayed everywhere is absolutely repulsive. The climax of the show usually involves the band fighting and killing a giant Judge who has been ruling over their case, and he, of course, bled all over the crowd. The band has a crude sense of humor and gory shows that are purely entertainment, and they are known for satirizing the topics of censorship and media violence. The fans usually wear plain white T-shirts to the concert, as the bloodstains are the real souvenir.

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