what is a herniated disc in the back

what is a herniated disc in the back

1 year ago 34

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped, ruptured, or bulging disc, is a condition that occurs when one of the rubbery cushions, called discs, that sit between the bones that stack to make the spine, is damaged. These discs have a soft, jelly-like center called a nucleus, which is encased in a tougher, rubbery exterior known as the annulus. A herniated disc occurs when some of the nucleus pushes out through a tear in the annulus. This can cause pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord, leading to pain, numbness, or weakness.

A herniated disc can occur anywhere along the spine, but it most often occurs in the lower back. Depending on where the herniated disc is, it can result in pain, numbness, or weakness in an arm or a leg. Symptoms of a herniated disc vary depending on the site of injury and may include sharp pain in one part of the leg, hip, or buttocks, and numbness in other parts. The same leg may also feel weak.

Risk factors for a herniated disc include physically demanding jobs, repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, bending sideways, and twisting. Genetics, age-related wear and tear on the spine, improper lifting, being overweight, smoking, and an inactive lifestyle are also risk factors.

Treatment for a herniated disc depends on the severity of the symptoms. Most of the time, herniated discs heal on their own or with simple home-care measures. Treatment options include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication, epidural steroid injections, physical therapy, and surgery. Surgery is usually not needed to relieve the problem.

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