A high vibration person is someone who has positive energy that vibrates at a high level. They are emotionally and spiritually evolved, kind, compassionate, and empathic, and possess a deep understanding of themselves and the world around them. High vibrational people have learned to raise their vibrations through their actions and lifestyles, such as practicing mindfulness, working on gratitude, and taking care of their body through diet and exercise. Some signs of high vibrational people include:
- Increased empathy
- Feeling positive emotions like joy and gratitude often
- Living mindfully
- Being optimistic
- Loving to take care of their body
- Striving to be the best they can be in any given moment
- Taking responsibility for their own life
- Not judging others
- Accepting everybody for who they are on their own journey in their own life
On the other hand, low vibrations are associated with darker qualities such as hatred, fear, greed, and depression. It is important to note that most of us share some forms of low vibration and other forms of high vibration, but the goal is to become aware of what we are excelling at and what we could improve on within our journey of inner transformation.