Hover has multiple meanings depending on the context. Here are some definitions from the search results:
To hang fluttering in the air or on the wing: This is one of the primary meanings of hover, referring to an object or creature remaining suspended in the air or moving to and fro near a place. For example, a hummingbird can hover over flowers.
To position a computer cursor over something without selecting it: This is a more recent meaning of hover, referring to the action of placing a cursor over an image or icon without clicking on it.
To remain in an uncertain or irresolute state; waver: This meaning of hover refers to a state of indecision or uncertainty. For example, someone might hover between life and death.
To stand somewhere, especially near another person, eagerly or nervously waiting for their attention: This meaning of hover refers to waiting near someone, often nervously or eagerly, for their attention. For example, waiters might hover near a table, or a person might hover near someone they want to talk to.
To select elements when you mouse over them: In the context of CSS, hover refers to the :hover selector, which is used to select elements when you mouse over them. For example, you can use the :hover selector to change the background color of a link when the user hovers over it.
In summary, hover can refer to an object or creature remaining suspended in the air, placing a cursor over an image or icon without clicking on it, a state of indecision or uncertainty, waiting near someone for their attention, or selecting elements when you mouse over them in CSS.