A Jacobs Ladder piercing is a type of body piercing that involves inserting multiple barbells or rings along the underside of the penis. It is named after the biblical story of Jacobs Ladder to heaven. The piercing is a collection of frenum piercings, each frenum being a rung of the ladder. The frenum is the thin strip of skin that connects the head of the penis to the shaft. The piercing is considered fairly extreme, even among body modification enthusiasts. However, some men swear that it can improve sex for them and their partners.
The procedure for getting a Jacobs Ladder piercing involves inserting multiple barbells or rings along the underside of the penis. The number of piercings can vary, with some people starting with one and others getting as many as they can. The more piercings done at once, the longer the healing time required. The healing time is typically 2 to 5 weeks. During the healing period, it is important to wear protection during sexual activity as the piercing is an open wound.
Compared to other piercings, a Jacobs Ladder piercing is viewed as an easier one to deal with on the pain scale. The piercing is intended to provide sexual pleasure to both the bearer and the person they are having sexual intercourse with. Apart from sexual stimulation, the Jacob’s ladder has some advantages which other male genital piercings don’t offer. It heals very easily in about 6 to 8 weeks, and there is complete flexibility in that it can be done either at the bottom, side or top of the frenum provided the barbells or rings sit at 90 degrees to the shaft of the penis. You can do as many as you like as long as the length of your penis allows.
It is important to note that the Jacobs Ladder piercing is not for everyone, and it is essential to be sure that it is what you really want. The jewelry used is a 12 or 10-gauge titanium barbell with some extra length to accommodate swelling. Longer jewelries are used for thicker penis. Once you have made up your mind about getting a Jacobs Ladder piercing, it is crucial to look for a qualified piercer with sufficient experience and a proven track record. The working environment and procedure of the chosen piercer should be clean and on point.