what is a jin

what is a jin

1 year ago 43

Jinn, also known as djinn or genies, are supernatural beings in Islamic and pre-Islamic Arabian culture and beliefs. They are considered part of al-ghaib, or the unseen, and are kept hidden from human vision, existing in a parallel world known as the unseen. Jinn are made of fire and air and can take on various forms, including snakes, scorpions, lizards, and humans. They are believed to have free will and can be either believers or non-believers, just like humans. Jinn are considered to be accountable for their deeds and can be either good or evil. They can even engage in sexual affairs with humans and produce offspring.

Belief in jinn manifests differently between communities and individuals, and while some Islamic scholars agree that jinn are capable of possession, others do not. In Islamic tradition, there are also good jinn who live quietly side-by-side among humans in a parallel unseen dimension. Like humans, they have family structures, kingdoms, and can be of any faith or none.

Jinn are often associated with the Islamic regime and their intrusion into private life, and are sometimes credited with helping to build some of antiquitys greatest buildings, such as the Pyramids and the Temple of Solomon. While belief in jinn is still prevalent in some Muslim communities, it is increasingly either explained away as allegory for natural phenomena or mentally.

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