what is a knee scope

what is a knee scope

1 year ago 36

Knee arthroscopy, also known as a knee scope, is a surgical procedure that allows doctors to view the knee joint without making a large incision through the skin and other soft tissues. During the procedure, a small camera called an arthroscope is inserted into the knee joint through a small incision. The camera displays pictures on a video monitor, and the surgeon uses these images to guide miniature surgical instruments. Knee arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat a wide range of knee problems, including:

  • Partial meniscectomy (removal of the meniscus), repair of a torn meniscus, or meniscus transplantation
  • Reconstruction of a torn anterior cruciate ligament or posterior cruciate ligament
  • Removal of inflamed synovial tissue
  • Trimming or reconstruction of damaged articular cartilage
  • Diagnosis of injuries and assessment of the quality of the remaining structures inside the knee joint

Knee arthroscopy may relieve painful symptoms of many problems that damage the cartilage surfaces and other soft tissues surrounding the joint. The procedure is minimally invasive, requiring smaller incisions than traditional surgery, and is usually performed on an outpatient basis. Depending on the underlying causes of the condition, knee arthroscopy may be effective in relieving pain, improving stability, removing loose bodies, repairing tissue tears and damage, and improving function and range of motion.

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