what is a koan

what is a koan

1 year ago 38

A koan is a paradoxical statement, question, or story used as an object of meditation in Zen Buddhism. The term "koan" is a spelling of the Chinese word "gongan," which means "public record" or "legal precedent," and also means "story". Koans are used to provoke the "great doubt" and initial insight of Zen students. They are typically short stories or phrases with very specific wording or sequence of events, featuring a Zen master aiding the enlightenment of another that has elements of meaning that can only be penetrated by an enlightened or near-to-be-enlightened mind. The effort to "solve" a koan is meant to help a student reach enlightenment or test that they are already there. Koans are not meaningless, and not riddles or puzzles. Instead, they are used to make the student comfortable with not-knowing and to bring them closer to "dont know mind" or "great doubt". In Zen practice, teachers expect students to present an appropriate response when asked about a koan.

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