A Lazarus Pit is a supernatural phenomenon of restorative pools that can heal injuries, cure incurable diseases, and even resurrect the dead. It is a natural forming pit that exists in the DC Universe and is filled with chemicals that can heal pretty much any injury and some can even bring the dead back to life. The Lazarus Pit is best known for resurrecting Jason Todd after he was murdered by the Joker, hence turning him into the Red Hood. The pit is managed by League of Assassin honcho, Ra’s al Ghul, who discovered the pits by accident when trying to save a princes life. The pit is capable of healing injuries and granting a form of immortality. The Lazarus Pit contains the fictional liquid metal known as Dionesium, which is capable of reactivating cells in dead tissue. However, there are side effects for those who use the Lazarus Pit, including temporary madness and corruption the more they use it. The more one relies on Lazarus Pits to circumvent the effects of aging, the less effective they become. It is important to note that if someone is not injured or dying, the Lazarus Pit will almost certainly kill them.