A lip lift is a surgical procedure that shortens the space between the nose and the top of the lip, known as the “philtrum” . It is a minimally invasive procedure that can be done in-office. The procedure involves removing skin between the nose and the border of the top lip, which elevates the upper lip and creates a more volumized look. There are different types of lip lifts, including:
Direct Lip Lift: This procedure creates a more defined lip border by removing a thin strip of skin just above the upper lip. The skin is then pulled upwards, creating the illusion of a more pronounced vermillion (the pink part of the lips). This procedure typically leaves behind a scar on the upper lip area.
Subnasal Bullhorn: This procedure removes a smaller amount of tissue from under the base of the nose. The skin is then raised and sutured, lifting the lip to expose more of the red portion of the upper lip.
Central Lip Lift: This procedure shortens the upper lip and advances the red portion to help give the appearance of greater volume in the upper lip. This is done by making a small incision directly under and hidden by the nose.
Lip lifts are an elective cosmetic surgery that can make the upper lip look larger and more pronounced. Unlike lip fillers, it is a permanent solution. The procedure can help improve visible signs of aging by enhancing the appearance of the upper lip, such as a long upper lip or down-turned corners of the mouth.