what is a mantra in meditation

what is a mantra in meditation

1 year ago 100

In meditation, a mantra is a repeated word, syllable, or phrase that serves as the object of focus for producing a relaxation response. Mantras can be spoken, chanted, whispered, or repeated in the mind. The term "mantra" comes from Sanskrit, with "man" meaning "mind" and "tra" meaning "release". Mantra meditation is a technique that involves using mantras to relax the mind and help it focus.

  • Mantras can be personalized affirmations in English or your native language, or they can be traditional words or phrases with spiritual significance.
  • Mantras are used in various spiritual traditions, including Buddhist, Hindu, Judeo-Christian, and Shamanic practices.
  • The purpose of a mantra is to help release the mind, improve concentration, and maintain focus during meditation.
  • Some people find that using mantras during their meditation practice can help them achieve their meditation goals and connect with the divine.

Choosing a mantra that reflects your goals can help you focus on what you want to achieve during meditation. Mantras can be especially helpful if your mind tends to wander a lot when you try to meditate, as they occupy your awareness and prevent it from drifting off in other directions.

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