what is a marrow vegetable

what is a marrow vegetable

1 year ago 46

A marrow vegetable is a type of summer squash that is closely related to courgette, zucchini, and squash). It is a fruit that is used as a vegetable, and the mature fruit of certain Cucurbita pepo cultivars). The immature fruit of the same or similar cultivars is called courgette or zucchini). Marrows have a creamy flesh, edible skin and seeds, and a mild flavor. They are commonly cultivated in the British Isles, and the term "marrow" for the plant and for the fruit is current there, especially for the striped, thicker-skinned cultivar). However, both in North America (since the 1920s) and in Britain (since the 1960s), thinner-skinned immature marrows have gained popularity due to their tender skin and distinct flavor. Marrows are treated as a vegetable in a culinary context, usually cooked and presented as a savory dish or accompaniment). They are a great "container" for other foods, and their combination of thin skin and relatively bland flavor makes them ideal for supporting other foods. Marrows can be cooked in any manner suitable for summer squash, such as steaming, frying, stuffing, roasting, or shredding for croquettes. They can also be turned into chutney to serve alongside cheeseboards, ham, or curry. Marrows are in season in August and September, and they should be kept refrigerated in a vegetable bag and used within three days.

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