what is a master class

what is a master class

1 year ago 32

A master class is a class given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline. It is usually associated with music, but can also be related to science, painting, drama, games, or any other occasion where skills are being developed. The difference between a normal class and a master class is typically the setup. In a master class, all the students (and often spectators) watch and listen as the master takes one student at a time. The value of the master class setup is that all students can benefit from the masters comments on each piece.

In addition to its traditional meaning, "masterclass" is also used in a figurative sense to describe a display of great skill in a context where education was not the primary intention. For example, a race car drivers last few laps could be described as a masterclass in overtaking.

MasterClass is also the name of an online learning platform that offers classes created for students of all skill levels. The instructors are experts in their respective fields, and the classes cover a wide range of topics, from cooking to writing to music.

A masterclass is a high-quality and relatively brief learning experience jam-packed with in-depth knowledge. During a masterclass, an expert instructor offers hands-on learning to a group of students. Usually, the participants have good prior knowledge of the subject, but it’s not uncommon to offer a masterclass for first-timers as well. The original term is ‘master class,’ but the alternative version, ‘masterclass,’ has become popularized.

Creating a masterclass requires vast knowledge and deep understanding, as well as careful preparation. The best way to create a successful masterclass is to plan every detail. Answering questions such as "why create a masterclass?" and "who is the target audience?" can help prepare and gather all the necessary resources. A successful masterclass can help improve ones reputation and further establish expertise in a field, while also providing an excellent additional source of revenue and a way to build engagement and loyalty with students and attract new audiences.

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