A membrane sweep is a procedure that can be done to help induce labor if you are past your due date or if there is a medical need to try to naturally induce labor. During the procedure, a healthcare provider inserts one or two fingers into the cervix and makes a circular or sweeping movement with their fingers to separate the sac surrounding the baby from the cervix. This can stimulate hormone and prostaglandin production, which can help induce labor.
Here are some key points about membrane sweeps:
- A membrane sweep is an optional procedure that your healthcare provider may suggest as you near or pass your due date.
- It is also called stripping the membranes, membrane stripping, or sweeping the membranes.
- Membrane sweeps are not performed until 39 weeks or later in pregnancy but can be performed up until 42 weeks.
- You have to be slightly dilated, which allows your healthcare provider to reach up into the cervix to perform the sweep.
- If you are high-risk or have underlying medical conditions, your healthcare provider may feel a membrane sweep is unsafe.
- A membrane sweep can be uncomfortable and can cause some light bleeding, but it also makes it more likely that you will go into labor naturally.
- You should be offered a membrane sweep at your 40-week and 41-week antenatal appointments during your first pregnancy or your 41-week appointment if you’ve had a baby before.
- If labor doesn’t start after this, you can ask for additional membrane sweeps.
- Membrane stripping carries minimal risk, but it may not be suitable for everyone.
- Who should not have membrane stripping? A doctor is likely to advise against membrane stripping if you have prior cesarean delivery, multiple births, history of preterm delivery, current bacterial cervical infection, placenta previa, active herpes infection, vasa previa, severe fetal abnormalities, Mullerian duct abnormalities, abnormal fetal position, structural pelvic abnormalities, or prior uterine rupture.
Overall, a membrane sweep is a way of helping to bring on labor when you are past your due date or if there is a medical need to try to naturally induce labor. It is a safe and effective procedure that can increase the likelihood of spontaneous labor.