what is a mission style burrito

what is a mission style burrito

1 year ago 42

A Mission-style burrito is a type of burrito that first became popular during the 1960s in the Mission District of San Francisco, California. It is distinguished from other burritos by its large size and inclusion of rice and other ingredients. The burrito is typically wrapped in aluminum foil, which acts as a structural support to ensure that the burritos tortilla "skin" does not rupture or unravel. Diners eating Mission burritos customarily eat the burrito with their hands, tearing the foil gradually down as they eat from above, but keeping the foil on the bottom to continue to support the structure of the uneaten portion. Adding salsa to the burrito before each subsequent bite is a popular practice.

The burrito is typically filled with a wide variety of ingredients, including rice, beans, meat (such as carnitas, carne asada, or seasoned ground beef), guacamole, pico de gallo, cheese, and sour cream. The desired effect is a variety of flavors and textures, with none of them dominating any of the others. The aluminum foil wrapping is present whether the customer is eating in the restaurant or taking out.

In summary, a Mission-style burrito is a large burrito that originated in the Mission District of San Francisco and is distinguished by its inclusion of rice and other ingredients. It is typically wrapped in aluminum foil and eaten with the hands.

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