what is a motivation letter

what is a motivation letter

1 year ago 39

A motivation letter, also known as a letter of motivation or motivational letter, is a one-page letter that explains why you are the perfect candidate for a certain position or program. It is usually attached to your resume or CV. A motivation letter is different from a cover letter, which highlights how specific information on your resume matches a job opening. The purpose of a motivation letter is to convince the reader that you are the right type of person for the job or program you are applying to.

A motivation letter typically includes the following elements:

  • Introduction: Start by stating the position or program you are interested in and the reason why you are writing the letter. You can also include a brief introduction of yourself.

  • Body: This is the main part of the letter where you explain your motivations and desires for pursuing the position or program. You can highlight your achievements, skills, and experiences that make you the perfect candidate for the job or program. You can also mention your overarching goal and how the position or program will help you achieve it.

  • Conclusion: Thank the reader for considering your application and express your interest in further discussing your qualifications. You can also include your contact information and availability for an interview.

When writing a motivation letter, it is important to maintain a professional tone and adhere to standard business letter formatting. You can use a motivation letter template to help you structure your letter and avoid going over the top when discussing your motivation. It is also important to proofread your letter to avoid typos or other errors that can hurt your professionalism.

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