The normal range for FSH levels varies based on age and sex organs, and can vary from lab to lab. However, for women trying to conceive naturally, a standard FSH level is about 10 mIU/ml. A study on day 3 FSH levels and in vitro fertilization (IVF) outcomes showed that people with day 3 FSH levels lower than 15 milli-international units per milliliter (mIU/mL) had a better chance of becoming pregnant with an IVF attempt when compared to people with FSH levels between 15 mIU/ml and 24.9 mIU/ml. For people with FSH levels over 25 mIU/ml, pregnancy rates per attempt were even lower. Its important to remember that several factors affect fertility, and FSH levels are not the only determining factor. If you have questions about your fertility and becoming pregnant, ask your healthcare provider or a fertility specialist.