what is a pba card

what is a pba card

1 year ago 44

A PBA card is a courtesy card issued by the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) to its members, their friends, and family members. The card is designed to be presented during low-stakes police encounters, such as traffic stops, as a laminated wink-and-nudge between officers that says, "Hey, would you mind going a little easy on this one?". The card usually has printed on it, "The bearer of this card is a supporter of the PBA and you should try to extend every courtesy possible".

While having a PBA card may convince an officer to let the driver off without a ticket, it is not a guarantee. Many variables go into whether it can help someone or not, and it can be like gambling. The best type of PBA card one can have is one that contains the name and badge number of an officer who is well-respected throughout the state. If an officer knows that a driver has a connection to a well-regarded officer, that driver can usually avoid receiving a traffic ticket.

In most towns, each PBA member gets 10 cards to sign and distribute. When pulled over for a minor motor vehicle offense, the cardholder has the option to present the card to the officer. The PBA card is not a legal document and does not carry any legal weight.

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