what is a pennant shape

what is a pennant shape

1 year ago 40

A pennant shape is a sideways, tapering triangle-shaped sign used as a road sign to signal a no-passing zone. It is one of about ten shapes commonly used to communicate with drivers on U.S. roadways. The pennant-shaped sign is always yellow and always placed on the left side of the road. It has the text “No Passing Zone” and marks the beginning of an area where drivers are not allowed to move into the adjacent lane to pass a vehicle in front. The pennant sign is often complemented by a regulatory white and black “do not pass”-sign on the right side of the road. The reason it is placed on the left side of the road is to make the no-passing zone more visible from a distance. The yellow pennant-shaped sign is posted on the left in areas where more emphasis is needed and typically where more accidents have occurred.

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