what is a perfect game in baseball

what is a perfect game in baseball

1 year ago 37

A perfect game in baseball is an extremely rare occurrence that happens when one pitcher successfully gets all opposing batters out without a single one of them reaching base during the entirety of the nine-inning game. To accomplish a perfect game, the pitcher has to record 27 consecutive outs (three outs per inning) without any walks, hits, errors, or other shenanigans. No batter can reach base on a hit, a walk, a hit-by-pitch, a dropped third strike, an error, or otherwise. A perfect game, by definition, is also a no-hitter, and is also guaranteed to result in a win and a shutout if the game does not go into extra innings). In order for a baseball game to be considered perfect, it must meet a set of stringent requirements that define the pinnacle of pitching achievement. These requirements demand an extraordinary level of skill, precision, and unwavering focus from the pitcher. As of 2023, there have been 24 official perfect games in Major League Baseball history.

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