what is a periodic tenancy

what is a periodic tenancy

1 year ago 45

A periodic tenancy is a type of tenancy that continues for successive periods until the tenant gives the landlord notification that they want to end the tenancy. This tenancy can be created expressly or by implication, such as when a lease does not mention the duration of the tenancy, but arrangements were made for payments to be made at certain intervals. A periodic tenancy is intentionally created by a landlord and tenant entering into a rental agreement, which sets the terms for payment of rent and conditions for possession under a periodic tenancy. The length of each successive period of time is determined by the interval between scheduled rental payments, such as monthly, weekly, or annually. A periodic tenancy can also result due to possession under a defective lease agreement.

For termination of a periodic tenancy, notice must be given at least equal to the length of the period of the tenancy itself, unless the parties agree to different terms for termination. A periodic tenancy continues until terminated by a notice to vacate, which makes it flexible. A periodic tenancy is just one type of leasehold estate in real estate, and it has no specific ending date, but there is a specific period of tenancy.

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