According to the Urban Dictionary, a "plug" can have different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the definitions found in the search results:
Definition 1: A plug is someone who is quite high in the hierarchy of selling drugs and does mainly ounces and above. Generally, the word plug is used in America as street slang for someone who can supply you with drugs.
Definition 2: A guy or girl friend that is able to help you obtain rare or limited items you otherwise wouldnt be able to get on your own. This can refer to drugs, but also to other items such as sneakers or clothing.
Definition 3: When a girl wants to be with a guy either in a relationship or sexually. Or wants to hook up with this guy. It can refer to a guy as well but is more commonly used for girls.
It is important to note that these definitions are not official or formal, and they may not be used or understood in all contexts or regions.