what is a primary identification number

what is a primary identification number

1 year ago 56

A primary identification number is a unique identifier used to prove an individuals identity. The term can refer to different types of identification numbers depending on the context. Here are some examples:

  • Primary identification documents: These are documents that prove an individuals identity with information like their name, photo, and date of birth. Examples of primary identification documents include drivers licenses, passports, passport cards, and state IDs.

  • Primary account number (PAN): This is a unique identifier for a credit, debit, or other form of payment card. The PAN is a 14-, 15-, 16-, or even up to 19-digit number that serves as a unique identifier on payment cards. The first six or eight digits in a PAN are the issuer identification number (IIN), which indicate the industry that is associated with the card. The next set of numbers in the PAN will be unique to a particular cardholder, and the final number is called the "check digit" or "check sum" number, which ensures the card number is accurate.

  • Primary Tax Identification Number (TIN): This refers to the TIN of the parent company, while a subsidiary TIN refers to the TIN of an entity that is a subsidiary of the parent.

  • Primary forms of identification: These are government-issued IDs that people can obtain through the respective offices or government agencies. Examples of primary forms of identification include regional state-issued driver’s licenses or identity cards, the social security card (or the social security number), and the United States passport card.

In summary, a primary identification number is a unique identifier used to prove an individuals identity, and the specific type of identification number depends on the context.

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