what is a purity ring

what is a purity ring

1 year ago 36

A purity ring, also known as a promise ring, abstinence ring, or chastity ring, is a ring worn as a sign of chastity and a commitment to remain celibate until marriage. Purity rings are part of the abstinence-only sex education movement and are intended to act as a physical reminder of the wearers chastity vow. They are typically worn by males and females, and young adults and teens make up the largest portion of the population that wears purity or chastity rings. Purity rings come in a variety of styles and metals, and there is no one style of purity ring. Some popular designs include keys, hearts, vines, flowers, and diamond crosses for women, while bands with engravings are popular for men. The purpose of the ring is to remind the wearer of their pledge to remain pure and to make a statement publicly. Wearing a purity ring is typically accompanied by a religious vow to practice abstinence until marriage. Purity rings are not mentioned in the Bible, but they are often associated with Christian organizations that promote virginity pledges and virginity before marriage, such as True Love Waits and Silver Ring Thing.

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