what is a qualitative observation

what is a qualitative observation

1 year ago 95

Qualitative observation is a research method where the characteristics or qualities of a phenomenon are described without using any quantitative measurements or data. It is a valuable research method that allows researchers to delve into the complexities of human experiences, gather data, and gain insights into the subjective aspects of a given phenomenon. Qualitative observation primarily focuses on understanding the observed behavior or events meaning, context, and nuances. Qualitative observation enables the researcher to observe, interact and gain a rich picture of participants in their natural environment. Qualitative observation deals with the researcher collecting data using their five sensory organs - sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing - as tools for data collection. Qualitative observation is often used in fields like social sciences, education, healthcare, marketing, and design. Qualitative observation is inductive as the researcher is immersed in the research alongside the participants. Below are some of the characteristics of qualitative observation to help differentiate it from other research methods:

  • Inductive: Qualitative observation is inductive as the researcher establishes new questions as the study progresses.
  • Subjective: Qualitative observation depends heavily on subjective methods.
  • Naturalistic: Qualitative observation adopts a naturalistic inquiry to understand a phenomenon whose attributes may not be quantified.
  • Detailed: Qualitative observation involves a systematic and detailed examination of phenomena to obtain subjective data and explore the depth of human experiences.

In summary, qualitative observation is a research method that allows researchers to describe the characteristics or qualities of a phenomenon without using any quantitative measurements or data. It is often used in fields like social sciences, education, healthcare, marketing, and design, and primarily focuses on understanding the observed behavior or event's meaning, context, and nuances.

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