what is a rebound in basketball

what is a rebound in basketball

1 year ago 119

A rebound in basketball is a statistic awarded to a player who retrieves the ball after a missed field goal or free throw. Rebounds can be either offensive or defensive, and both offensive and defensive players can rebound the ball. Offensive rebounds occur when an offensive player misses a field goal attempt or misses the free throw, but the ball bounces off the rim or backboard into the hands of an offensive player. Defensive rebounds occur when a player on the defending team catches the ball after a missed shot. Rebounds are credited to the first player that gains clear possession of the ball or to the player that successfully deflects the ball into the basket for a score. A team rebound is never credited to any player, and is generally considered to be a formality as every missed shot must be rebounded whether a single player controls the ball or not. Rebounds are important in basketball because they can change the course of a game, often resulting in good fast-break opportunities and a higher shooting percentage.

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