what is a recovery run

what is a recovery run

1 year ago 42

A recovery run is a low-intensity, easy-effort run that is typically performed within 24 hours of a hard workout or race. The purpose of a recovery run is to help your body recover and bounce back from strenuous, taxing workouts. Recovery runs are best executed after a moderate- or high-TSS effort like a workout, race, or strength training session. They are intended to follow a hard effort as a way to remove waste and loosen up the body by increasing blood flow and flushing out waste. Recovery runs are slower than your other runs, and a good rule of thumb is 3+ minutes per mile slower than 5K pace or 2+ minutes per mile slower. Recovery runs are not meant to elicit any muscle damage or need for extra recovery. They are a form of active recovery that allows you to get in your miles without prolonging recovery from previous training. Recovery runs can play a vital role in performance, and they can help you recover from hard workouts while contributing to your overall training mileage and generally upping your running game. Recovery runs are not a substitute for rest days, but they can be a great way to flush the major movers and jump-start the recovery process.

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