what is a sambo

what is a sambo

1 year ago 100

Sambo is a term that has different meanings depending on the context. Here are some of the definitions found in the search results:

  • A derogatory label for a person of African descent in the English language. Historically, it is a name in American English derived from a Spanish term for a person of African and Native American ancestry.
  • A black person, especially one who is accommodating or servile towards whites; an Uncle Tom.
  • A person of African descent or person of color who is excessively apologetic, obedient, and servile. One who often defers to the Caucasian race and will even betray their own race to gain acceptance from the white race.
  • A Russian martial art and combat sport.

It is important to note that the term "Sambo" is considered derogatory and offensive in many contexts.

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